Born from the
Klarna symbol.
We turned attention upon ourselves for a concept and to answer the question why... Because those who seek shall find. The most iconic part in the Klarna identity can be found in the detail of its symbol. Probably designed to communicate upward trajectory and growth.
A total of three guding movement principles were conceptualised, as three is a magic number and a nod to the three o’s in smoooth and the extra “o”. Always giving you that little bit of extra.
Onward and Upward are emotive and designed to create a sense of elevation and lightness, and the feeling of moving forward, respectively.
The third principle is more rational and designed to call upon user attention Focus as smooothness is also about efficiency.
Inspired by
pop culture.
“Swipe left for next”, “browse for more” and tap to activate. The movements derived from the Klarna identity answered the question of why to move in certain ways. We also needed to answer the question of how to move. We wanted modern motion identity, inspired by pop-culture and familiar actions. Swipe, Browse and Tap. Onward, Upward and Focus.
How to move smoooth.
A scalable toolkit ready for automation — consistent through the ability to implement with the click of a button or in code.
Easy Ease — A smoooth start and an even smooother finish. The go-to curve.
Extreme Ease — Rapid acceleration and smoooth landing. Great for transitions.
Exponential — Recommended for removing something unimportant from the screen
Optimising Sender ID.
Working with leading experts in the field, utilising neuroscience and AI to optimise placement, size and motion of the logotype, in order to optimise Sender ID and viewer retention. A great tool and service, in combination with a keen art-direction eye.